Rūdolfs Štamers (1995)

BORN in Riga, Latvia

Currently living in Paris, France / Riga, Latvia

Rūdolfs Štamers is Latvian artist living and working in Paris. Although in his works he like to use industrial and raw materials, he speak about fragile and sensitive themes. Štamers work with the interspace between reality and dream world, where the states of mind are used as instruments. He reflect about unconscious sensations we get when we encounter lust, fear, amazement etc. Often in his installations and sculptures when Štamers revolve the lust, love and unattainable desires, he frequently base them in fictional scenarios, absurd tales/situations. Material wise those mental states are juxtaposed with construction field materials from home depot stores mixed with composite materials, paint and found object elements.


Built with Berta.me